March 31, 2011


Sooo, Tarin has transformed our blog into a pretty girly spectacle. ... I don't know if I'm going to be able to do any updating if it looks this girly!!! 

But anyways... It's Friday morning over here! Opening DAy Go GIANTS!!! I'm about to watch the game on ESPN (Thank goodness it's worldwide).  Tarin and I just got back from a body balance class at the gym.  It was pretty good!  She's getting ready to go off to work.  She is super excited today because she gets her hair done.  She's been waiting for that for a very long time!!! I am just hanging out until I have to go do a clinic at Geraldton Grammar school at noon.  For the next couple weeks I just go to that same school for an hour a day teaching different classes some basketball skills and promoting the team!

Another part of my daily routine has been going to see BJ!  BJ is our team physician.  I go see him everyday and he works on my shoulder and tapes it up on days that we have training (they don't call it practice over here).  Those are the only two things I really do during the day besides training at night.. which is usually 3 nights a week.  I have been able to get back in the weight room a little bit.  With the shoulder healing I can do a little more each week.  So that is encouraging.. I don't want to get too skinny ;)

I am going to play my first professional game this weekend against Bunbury here at home.  Our team is 0-3, losing to three teams that aren't that good.  But our teams other American import got in this week from Germany.  He was finishing up a season over there.  He is point guard and a good one at that.  It makes such a big difference having someone that can just run the team.  He's really quick and a great passer.  So the fans are pretty excited for this weekend, being as they get to see our full team play!  I am very excited as well.  Practices this week went well as far as the shoulder goes, but I am still going to take it somewhat easy in the game tomorrow.  The ideal situation would be us playing well and getting a good lead to where I'd only have to play half the game or so.  The next two weeks after this we play tough teams so I want to be ready for those.  That's why I want to play a bit tomorrow to ease my way back into it.  Please pray!! The game would be on at 4:30 AM your time so if you want to see how we did when you wake up just go to ....

then to fixtures/results, then click on the box score of the Geraldton Buccaneers v Southwest Slammers in ROUND 3

Things are going well though!! Tarin is liking her job and the shoulder is healing!  The weather is still beautiful out here.  About 90 degrees and a nice breeze!  We love and miss everyone back home!!


March 19, 2011

8 o'clock Tip Off

     This weekend is the official start of the Buccs season! The guys headed out around 8:15am this Saturday morning for Perth to play their first 2 season games. Todd is the official towel & water boy for this weekend :) Good thing he naturally has a servant's heart!

     Because Todd is still not able to play this weekend I decided to stay here in Geraldton and support in Spirit! He just left this morning but it already seems like so long. So I have filled my time doing things that I know he wouldn't want to do if he was here:) I got to go to lunch at Dome(their main coffee cafe here in Gero) with our wonderful host Stacey Heberle and then SHOPPING :) I searched High and Low for somewhere to get my hair done and finally after many salons found one that I think should be good!(your prayers would still be appreciated lol) I also have spent the ENTIRE afternoon updating & customizing our BLOG finally! I have been searching high & low for a cute way to customize our blog & finally found this extremely cute SHABBYBLOGS.COM. Awesome!

     I just realized that we haven't updated you! We should have the minute we got the news.....Todd doesn't have to have surgery on his shoulder! PRAISE THE LORD! It was so amazing to see Him have His WAY.......I, Tarin, really learned a lot in this whole process. After the first week that Todd was hurt, I realized how much I was blaming the doctors for not getting quick results or taking different actions. And one day the Lord just tapped on my heart and said, "Um, hello! Remember me?" And it was as if a light bulb turned on & brightness rushed in and revealed everything I should have been thinking. Even though I trusted the Lord 100% for the outcome of Todd's injury, I realized in that moment that I had not once acknowledged 'out loud' how much faith I had that God was in control.

     So right away Todd & I spent time in His Word and prayed out loud for quite a while & just lifted all of our thoughts to our loving Father. Our prayer was that if it was still HIS WILL that we stay here in Australia and spread His goodness throughout this country that everything that the surgeon had believed to be true would not show true on the MRI. And to much amazement & true thankfulness we received a call last Tuesday saying that the MRI was clear & that as soon as he feels strong Todd can get back on the court!

     So, consequently, here we are on the season opener weekend and Todd is a short week or two away from joining his teammates on the court :) Todd really is looking for to serving his team this weekend from the bench and being just as much of a help & encouragement from that angle as he would if he was on the court.

     Please leave us comments & let us know how all of you are! Much Love <3

March 13, 2011

Update: 3 weeks in the Outback

Okay, well we're not really in the outback since we're on the coast, but we're definitely down under!  The past few weeks we've learned more and more about the culture down here.  We're really starting to settle in!  Tarin started her job this last week!  She's working at a government building that deals with low income housing.  Her first day she was giving the nickname "filing fairy" much to her dislike!  The whole first week she was put to work filing papers, but luckily that was only for the first week.  So things are looking up :) 

I had my first games last weekend down in Perth.  They were short games just to give the teams so time together in a game situation.  Two 20 minute halves, with running clock.  Our actual games will be four 12 minute quarters.  So that will be something to get used to!  I did really well in the first two games.  We won both of them and I had 25 pts in the first game and 20 pts in the second.  The third game however I accomplished something I had never done before....

I dislocated my right shoulder! Not a feat that I am proud of obviously, it lead to a trip to the emergency (which isn't quite as bad as California's emergency rooms).  Turns out that when I was trying to get through a screen set by the other team (something I have done hundreds of times)  I happened to hit him just at the right angle with my shoulder and popped it out of place.  I was going to sub out at the next dead ball, but before that happened a rebound came my way and out of instinct I reached up for it, popping it back into place! So after that I went out and it hurt quite a bit!

So a week later, I am waiting for the results of the MRI I had done two days ago down in Perth.  The specialist I saw down there seemed to think that surgery would be necessary.  We are praying that the MRI says otherwise!!!!

I don't really want to speculate as to what would happen if I do have to have surgery or even if I don't... I'm just going to wait until I know for sure!  I am not in much pain at all and my range of motion is getting a lot better.  The doc said that it would heal up and I would have full range of motion if I don't have surgery, I would just be taking that chance that at anytime It could pop out again when taking my RIGHT arm above my head.  That happens quite a bit in basketball......

Please keep praying!

We are so excited because we just set up our skype account so we can call any number in the US via skype!!!!  It works really good and it's really cheap!! So hopefully we will be calling ya'll a lot more :)

Love you all and keep us posted on how you all are doing and stuff!!

Skype- toddandtarin

G'day Mates!

     We apologize for not getting to update you all sooner! We have arrived safely in Geraldton, Australia :) The trip took a lot out of us & we are so thankful to have made it safe. Overall it took about 30 hours for us to arrive. The first couple of days we fell asleep around 7pm and would wake up around 4 &5 WIDE AWAKE........but it has somewhat evened out :) When we arrived at the Perth airport 2 of Todd's new teammates picked us up & drove us to Geraldton. It was a 4.5 hour drive through the middle of nowhere.
     When we got to Geraldton they took us to our host home. To much delight they drove us to the top of a hill that overlooks the ocean and much of downtown Geraldton :) The house is brand new and was designed by our wonderful host Stacey Heberle. We did not know what to expect at all coming as far as housing but the Lord blessed us with a great host and a beautiful place to stay as a bonus :)

     Our biggest adventure this week was learning to drive! Todd went first and did pretty well but kept confusing the windshield wipers for the turn signal :) Which looks really funny when it is 95degrees out!! The food has also taken some getting used to :) At first glance it all looks very similar, but so far we have had some bad luck :) It tends to somehow just taste different.

1.) Fast food here is fast but NOT cheap! $9/meal yikes!
2.) No one says "You're Welcome" it's always "No Worries"
3.) "Thank You" is now "Cheers mate"
4.) No daylight savings time over here, they voted against it... said that it wasn't good for the cow's sleeping patterns and such.
5.) Aussie Rules Football (Footie) is very fun to watch!  And everyone here plays cricket, not baseball. 
6.) They love their barbeques over here, but when you go to a bbq, you show up around 8.. everyone talks for a couple hours and then we eat around 10.  So we usually eat before we go to a bbq too.  There is no rush over here for anything.  It really is no worries!
7.) "This arvo" is what they use for "this afternoon".

     Sometimes it does not feel like we are really here in Australia and so far away from all of you. But the  Lord is so faithful & is already teaching us so much. Before we left He gave me these verses for our family:

"But the Word is very near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart, so that you can do it. See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil. If you obey the commandments of the Lord your God that I command you today, by loving the Lord your God, by walking in His ways, and by keeping his commandments and His statues and His rules, then you shall live and multiply, and the Lord you God will bless you in the land that you are entering to take possession of it. But if your heart turns away, and you will not hear, but are drawn away to worship other gods and serve them, I declare to you today that you shall surely perish. You shall not live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to enter and possess. I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore CHOOSE LIFE, that you and your offspring may live, loving the Lord you God, obeying His voice and holding fast to Him, for He is your life and length of days, that you may dwell in the land that the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, to give them." Deuteronomy 30:14-20

     He reminded me of the things He has taught me. That Todd & I know His Word, we know what HE says and as he sends us into this land we are to CHOOSE LIFE. And by choosing life He means to choose Him, choose to spend time with Him in His Word (which He puts in our mouth and our heart) & CHOOSE to declare & glorify HIS NAME among this nation! This was such a comfort and encouragement to Todd & I when we were getting ready to leave home.

     Now that we are here and far from home it has been a little emotional. But again the Lord is teaching us and molding us. Everything is so foreign & different. We are very alone just the two of us. For one of the first times since we have been married the Lord has given me a whole new meaning of HOME. Since June, when we got married, we have lived somewhere new every 3 months.We have yet to actually settle, call somewhere home. And the other night when we were in bed and nothing was familiar.....Todd was. His voice, his smell, he felt like home. It was the most peaceful feeling. He is so familiar when nothing else is. I know he will take care of me, protect me & love me. And in that very emotional moment of missing what I consider "home" Todd resembled my heavenly Father - who is constant, never changing, will  never leave me nor forsake me. More than ever before the Lord truly opened my eyes to see what He means by the true, first love of Christ & His Church - His Bride.

     "And when Moses had finished speaking all these words to all Israel, he said to them, 'Take to heart all the words by which I am warning you today, that you may command them to your children, that they may be careful to do all the words of this law. For it is no empty Word for you, but your VERY LIFE, and by this word you shall live long in the land that you are going over the Jordan to possess.'" Deuteronomy 32:45-47